Irish lichens

Graphis scripta
Order: Ostropales       Family: Graphidaceae

Species: Graphis scripta

Growth type crustose, graphid.

Very variable. Smooth or wrinkled white or grey thalli with curved or stellate apothecia that is now known to be a species complex with four recognised species:
Graphis betulina, Graphis persoonii, Graphis pulverulenta and Graphis scripta sens str.
Sometimes parasitised by Stigmidium microspilum

Can be common on smooth barked trees, branches and twigs. Some of the main species of the Graphidion lichen community.

Similar: G. elegans has raised, furrowed carbonaceous margins

Graphis scripta

Graphis scripta sens lat. Co. Cork, SW Ireland. January 2010 and 2012

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