Irish lichens

Graphis scripta sens str

Family: Graphidaceae

Species: Graphis scripta sens str.

Growth type crustose
Photos: Co. Cork, SW Ireland.

White, grey or brownish thallus with elongate, curved or branched lirellae with +/- rounded ends. Branching sometimes parallel. Discs very narrow or not visible, sometimes with a narrow thallus margin. Asci 6-8 spored, the spores 5-13 septate, 20-63 x 5-12 µm and the lumina usually elliptical or lentiform. Micrographs below.

One of the two most common of the four species recently separated from Graphis scripta s. lat. A widespread pioneer species also found on mature trees, often with G. pulverulenta

Graphis scripta sens str

Graphis scripta sens str

Graphis scripta sens str

Graphis scripta sens str

Graphis scripta sens str

Graphis scripta sens str
Graphis scripta sens str. November 2008, May 2009, August 2024

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