Irish lichens

Arthopyrenia salicis

Family: Trypetheliaceae

Species: Arthopyrenia salicis

Growth type crustose. Identified by Brian Coppins and J Douglass
Photos: On Ash and Sycamore. Co. Cork, SW Ireland.

Thallus +/- inconspicuous, pale to darker brown, sometimes pinkish when fresh. Not always lichenised, the Trentepholia cells in the thalli can be abundant or undetectable. Small pimple-like perithecia, the ostiole (pore-like opening) often +/- sunken. Spores colourless, 1-septate, 14-17 x 4-5.5 µm. Cells constricted at septum, lower cell often with a median constriction. Micro photos below.
Chemical reactions negative.

Widespread throughout Ireland on smooth bark, especially Hazel.

Similar: Arthopyrenia punctiformis and A. nitescens
Mycomicrothelia confusa has brown spores.

Arthopyrenia salicis

Arthopyrenia salicis

Arthopyrenia salicis

Microscope photographs
Arthopyrenia salicis

Arthopyrenia salicis
Arthopyrenia salicis January 2010 and 2012

All images used are copyright. Please contact me if you find errors.