Irish lichens Lichenicolous fungi

Lichenoconium lecanorae

Family: Abrothallaceae

Species: Lichenoconium lecanorae

Lichenicolous fungus on Lecanora chlarotera
Photos: Dromore, Co. Cork, SW Ireland.

The scattered or clustered small black pycnidia are subglobose to broadly ovoid, immersed or erumpent. Brown to dark-brown conidia are (2.5-)3-4.5(-5.5) µm diameter, subglobose to broadly ellipsoidal, +/- truncate at base and slightly verruculose. Micrographs below

Most frequent on Lecanora species but commensalistic to parasitic on the thalli and apothecia of a wide range of foliose and crustose lichens, mainly from the Lecanoraceae and Parmeliaceae. Often found with Lichenoconium erodens

Similar: Lichenoconium usneae, conidia not truncate at base. Often with other lichenicolous fungi on foliose and fruticose lichens

Lichenoconium lecanorae

Lichenoconium lecanorae

Lichenoconium lecanorae
Lichenoconium lecanorae. August 2024

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