Irish lichens Lichenicolous fungi

Tremella phaeographidis

Family: Tremellaceae

Species: Tremella phaeographidis

Lichenicolous fungus, photographs on Phaeographis smithii
Photos: Dromore, Co. Cork, SW Ireland.

A basidiomycete forming pale to dark brown (often reddish brown), flattened or slightly convex and waxy-gelatinous basidiomata (fruiting bodies) on host thallus. Mature basidia 16-24 x 8-12 µm with one transverse or oblique (rarely transverse) septum, and the lower cell with an attenuated, often stalk-like base that is longer than the upper cell, 16-24 x 8-12 µm. The basidiospores are ellipsoid to subspherical, 5.5-7.5 x 5-6 µm. Micrographs below.

Lichenicolous on the thallii of Phaeographis species

Similar: Tremella occultixanthoriae occurs on Xanthoria parietina. Tremella pertusariae forms dark galls on Pertusaria

Tremella phaeographidis

Tremella phaeographidis

Tremella phaeographidis

Tremella phaeographidis
Tremella phaeographidis. August 2024

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