Irish lichens

Diarthonis spadicea, Arthonia spadicea

Family: Arthoniaceae

Species: Diarthonis spadicea (Arthonia spadicea)

Growth type crustose
Photos: Dromore, Co. Cork, SW Ireland.

The thallus is thin and +/- immersed or greyish-green. Apothecia are flat or slightly convex, +/- rounded and often glossy, reddish-brown or black (and looking like tar-spots). Asci 8-spored, the spores 1-septate, 7-11 x 3-4 µm. Pycnidia frequent. Photobiont Trentepohlia. Micrographs below. Chemistry negative but apothecia and pycnidia weak K+ purple

A photophobic (light-hating) species usually found near the base of shaded, basic-barked, deciduous trees in moist woodlands

Similar: Arthonia didyma has smaller apothecia and larger spores

Diarthonis spadicea, Arthonia spadicea

Diarthonis spadicea, Arthonia spadicea

Diarthonis spadicea, Arthonia spadicea

Diarthonis spadicea, Arthonia spadicea
Diarthonis spadicea (Arthonia spadicea). August 2024

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