Irish lichens Lichenicolous fungi

Sclerococcum parasiticum

Family: Dactylosporaceae

Species: Sclerococcum parasiticum

Lichenicolous fungus, photographs on Pertusaria pertusa
Photos: Killarney NP, Co. Kerry, SW Ireland.

Small black apothecia with thin margins occur on the thalli and apothecia of the host. Reddish-brown epithecial layer, asci 8-spored and surrounded by a thick gelatinous layer. Spores dark brown when mature, 1-3 septate, (9-)11.5-12.5(-16) x 3.5-4.5 µm and with rounded ends. Pycnidia unknown. Micrograph below.

Occurs on the thalli and apothecia of Ochrolechia species, and also recorded on Pertusaria s.l. (Lepra and Pertusaria).

Similar: Sclerococcum parellarium also occurs on Ochrolechia species but has 1-septate spores

Sclerococcum parasiticum

Sclerococcum parasiticum

Sclerococcum parasiticum
Sclerococcum parasiticum. August 2024

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