Irish lichens

Collemopsidium sublitorale

Family: Xanthopyreniaceae

Species: Collemopsidium sublitorale

Growth type crustose
Photos: Fanore Beach, the Burren, Co. Clare, W Ireland

Immersed, inapparent thallus, the scattered black perithecia +/- clearly projecting, globose or subglobose and often slightly flattened at the top with a broad slightly sunken ostiole. Involucrellum brown-black. Asci are 8-spored, the spores 1-septate, 18.5-20.5 x 8-9 µm. Chemistry negative

Occurs on calcareous rocks and on barnacle and limpet shells in the littoral zone of sea shores.

Similar: Collemopsidium foveolatum has immersed perithecia and Collemopsidium halodytes has a pale brown superficial thallus

Collemopsidium sublitorale

Collemopsidium sublitorale

Collemopsidium sublitorale
Collemopsidium sublitorale. June 2016

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