Irish lichens

Collemopsidium foveolatum
Family: Xanthopyreniaceae

Species: Collemopsidium foveolatum

Growth type crustose.
Photos: On barnacles. Snave beach, Cork, SW Ireland.

Immersed thallus with very small perithecia (fruiting bodies) in pits in the shells of barnacles or limpets. The perithecia are immersed, black, flattened or slightly convex. Asci 8-spored, spores 1-septate 15-17.5 x 4-5.5 µm. Chemistry negative

An intertidal maritime species that usually occurs on limpet and barnacle shells but can also be found on coastal calcareous rocks.

Similar: Collemopsidium sublitorale has an immersed thallus but the perithecia are +/- projecting. Collemopsidium halodytes has a pale brown superficial thallus

Pyrenocollema halodytes       Collemopsidium foveolatum

Collemopsidium foveolatum
Collemopsidium foveolatum on barnacles. Bantry Bay, Co. Cork. February 2009

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