Irish lichens

Porina leptalea

Family: Porinaceae

Species: Porina leptalea

Growth type crustose
Photos: On Holly, Dromore, Co. Cork, SW Ireland.

A very thin brownish-grey to dark olive-green thallus with small brownish-orange to reddish perithecia (0.15-0.2mm). Reddish-brown pycnidia are often present. Spores 3-septate, 15-25 x 3-5 µm. Micrographs below. Chemical results negative

Shade tolerant species on smooth-barked deciduous trees in damp woods. Also on conifer bases in plantations and damp, acidic rocks

Similar: Porina aenea has blackish perithecia. Thelopsis rubella has pinkish or red perithecia and multispored asci

Porina leptalea

Porina leptalea

Porina leptalea

Porina leptalea

Porina leptalea
Porina leptalea. August 2024

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