Irish lichens Lichenicolous fungi

Intralichen christiansenii

Family: Unknown

Species: Intralichen christiansenii

Lichenicolous fungus,photographs on Caloplaca cerinella
Photos: Killarney NP, Co. Kerry, SW Ireland.

Conidiophores usually in hymenium of host lichen. The conidia are formed in chains, 0-1 septate when mature, pale brown and smooth-walled, 5-8(-9) x 4-6(-7) µm. Micrographs below.

A hyphomycete forming in apothecia of Caloplaca and Candelariella species, eventually blackening them. Also recorded from Lecanora and Micarea species, but owing to the broad host range it is likely that a number of similar, but undescribed species are involved.

Similar: Intralichen lichenum, conidia simple

Intralichen christiansenii

Intralichen christiansenii

Intralichen christiansenii
Intralichen christiansenii. August 2024

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