Irish lichens Lichenicolous fungi

Telogalla olivieri

Family: Verrucariaceae

Species: Telogalla olivieri

Lichenicolous fungus on Xanthoria parietina
Photos: Ahakista, Co. Cork and Kilcolman, Co. Limerick, Ireland

Yellow or whitish-yellow galls form on the host thallus and become domed and irregular in shape as they develop. The immersed perithecia are visible as dark spots on the surface, brown or dark brown round the ostioles and internally with pale walls. The asci are 8-spored, the spores 15-20 x 4-7 µm, simple, hyaline and usually with 2-3 guttules (can appear septate in K). Micrographs below

Only recorded on Xanthoria parietina and X. calcicola

Telogalla olivieri

Telogalla olivieri

Telogalla olivieri

Telogalla olivieri

Telogalla olivieri

Telogalla olivieri
Telogalla olivieri. August 2024

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