Irish lichens

Lecania cyrtellina

Family: Ramalinaceae

Species: Lecania cyrtellina

Growth type crustose
Photos: Killarney NP, Co. Kerry, SW Ireland.

Thin pale greyish thallus with convex, pale pink, brownish or piebald apothecia that become translucent when wet. The thalline margin is thin, white when young, and the true exciple is dark. Asci 8-spored, spores 0(-1) septate, 8-12(-15) x 2-3(-4) µm. Pycnidia dark, the microconidia curved, 12-18 x 0.5 µm, macroconidia 0-1 septate, crescent-shaped, 10-15(-18) x 1.5-2 µm. Micrograph below. Photobiont chlorococcoid. Chemistry negative

Infrequent (but possibly over-looked) on shaded, base-rich bark but not associated with Xanthorion species.

Similar: Lecania cyrtella has wider 1(-3) septate spores and is usually part of the Xanthorion community on nutrient-rich bark

Lecania cyrtellina

Lecania cyrtellina

Lecania cyrtellina
Lecania cyrtellina. August 2024

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