Irish lichens

Myriolecis sambuci (Lecanora sambuci)

Family: Lecanoraceae

Species: Myriolecis sambuci (Lecanora sambuci)

Growth type crustose
Photos: Kilcolman, Co. Limerick, Ireland.

White or greyish-white thallus, minutely granular or continuous without a conspicuous prothallus. Small apothecia are clustered or dispersed, greyish-brown to pinkish-brown with entire or slightly crenulate margins that become +/- excluded. Asci contain (8-)16-32 spores, spores simple, (6-)8-12 x 4-6(-7) µm. Pycnidia frequent. Margins contain small crystals inside the upper, outer edges (visible under polarised light). Epithecium occasionally has a few superficial granules. Micrographs below. Chemical results negative.

Local distribution on nutrient-enriched bark, often in twig axils of Fraxinus, Populus tremula and Sambucus.

Similar: Myriolecis hagenii and M. persimilis. Asci 8-spored, crystals and granules absent. Lecania cyrtella, 1-septate spores

Myriolecis sambuci, Lecanora sambuci

Myriolecis sambuci, Lecanora sambuci

Myriolecis sambuci, Lecanora sambuci

Myriolecis sambuci, Lecanora sambuci
Myriolecis sambuci (Lecanora sambuci). Auust 2024

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