Irish lichens

Arthopyrenia cerasi

Family: Trypetheliaceae

Species: Arthopyrenia cerasi

Growth type crustose
Photos: On Hazel (Corylus), Dromore, Co. Cork, SW Ireland.

Non-lichenised, thallus absent but bark sometimes slightly bleached. Perithecia often elliptical, strongly domed with +/- sunken ostioles. Spores 3-septate, strongly constricted at septa (especially median one), upper part broader than lower, 14.5-19.5 x 5.5-6.5 µm, apices rounded. Pycnidia with either macro or micro conidia. Micrographs below. Involucrellum brown, K+ greenish

Occurs on smooth bark, usually found on Hazel

Similar: Other Arthopyrenia species have 1-septate spores

Arthopyrenia cerasi

Arthopyrenia cerasi

Arthopyrenia cerasi

Arthopyrenia cerasi
Arthopyrenia cerasi. July 2024

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