Irish lichens

Caloplaca crenularia
Order: Teloschistales       Family: Teloschistaceae

Species: Blastenia crenularia (Caloplaca crenularia)

Growth type crustose
Photos: On coastal rock. Bantry, Cork, SW Ireland.
Identification needs confirming

Grey cracked or areolate thallus that may not persist. Numerous rusty orange-red roughened apothecia, colour remaining unchanged when wet. Asci 8-spored, ascospores 12-14 x 6-8 µm.
Apothecia: K+ crimson / purple.

On shaded or well-lit siliceous rocks, inland as well as coastal.

Similar: Caloplaca ferruginea only occurs on trees.
Caloplaca ceraceae has discs that become greenish when wet.

Caloplaca crenularia       Caloplaca crenularia

Caloplaca crenularia

Caloplaca crenularia
Caloplaca crenularia on coastal rocks. February 2009

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