Irish lichens

Cetrelia cetrarioides

Family: Parmeliaceae

Species: Cetrelia cetrarioides

Growth type foliose. Specimen identified by Neil Sanderson
Photos: Glengarriff woods, Co. Cork, SW Ireland.

Large, loosely attached greyish-green lobes with small scattered white punctiform pseudocyphella and pale ‘frilly’ marginal soralia. The underside is black, whitish-brown near tips and with a few simple rhizines. Apothecia absent. Chemistry C-, KC-, UV+ bright blue-white

Scattered distribution on mossy, acid-barked trees like Hazel and Salix in damp, well-lit woodlands.

The most frequent of four chemotypes (recognised as segregate species) within the Cetrelia olivetorum aggregate. Identification only possible with chemical tests and UV reaction

Cetrelia cetrarioides

Cetrelia cetrarioides
Cetrelia cetrarioides. May 2009

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