Irish lichens

Xanthoria elegans

Order: Teloschistales       Family: Teloschistaceae

Species: Rusavskia elegans (Xanthoria elegans)

Growth type foliose.
Photos: Bandon and the Beara peninsula, Co. Cork, SW Ireland

Closely adpressed thallus forming dark orange to orange-red rosettes. Uniformly narrow, radiating, convex lobes, 0.5-1.0mm wide, attached to the substrate by hapters. Abundant apothecia in centre of thallus, margins +/- crenulate. Thallus K+ crimson.

Occurs on nutrient-rich rocks in upland areas, also found on concrete, slate and asbestos-cement in lowland and urban areas. Scattered distribution in Ireland, mainly eastern half of country.

Similar: Caloplaca saxicola has shorter, white-pruinose lobes and apothecia extending to thallus edge.

Xanthoria elegans

Xanthoria elegans

Xanthoria elegans
Xanthoria elegans May 2010

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