Irish lichens

Lempholemma botryosum

Family: Lichinaceae

Species: Lempholemma botryosum

Growth type crustose /squamulose
Photos: Near Doolin, the Burren, Co. Clare, W Ireland

Greenish-black to brownish-black, minutely tufted and cushion-forming thallus, comprised of bundles of cylindrical lobes, their surfaces minutely longitudinally striate and the apices only slightly swollen. Thallus becomes black and +/- brittle when dry. Apothecia are unknown in Britain and Ireland.

Occurs on periodically wet and exposed hard calcareous rocks, often in temporary water-filled depressions in limestone pavements. Most Irish records are from the Burren, Co. Clare

Similar: L. cladodes has lobes with conspicuously swollen ends




Lempholemma botryosum. June 2016

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