Irish lichens

Collema fuscovirens
Order: Peltigerales       Family: Collemataceae

Species: Lathagrium fuscovirens (Collema fuscovirens)

Growth type foliose.
Photos: On limestone. The Burren, Co. Clare, Ireland.

Leathery, deep-lobed thallus with dark olive-green to blackish lobes, paler below. Swelling little when wet but slightly transluscent. Apothecia can be sparse or frequent, margins smooth or isidiate. Lobes are thinner and isidia smaller than those of C. auriforme.

Occurs on sunny limestone outcrops and dry stone walls.
Chemical reactions negative.

Similar: C. auriforme. Lobes very swollen when wet.

Collema fuscovirens

Collema fuscovirens

Collema fuscovirens
Collema fuscovirens March and July 2009

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