Irish lichens

Polychidium muscicola
Order: Peltigerales       Family: Placynthiaceae

Species: Polychidium muscicola

Growth type fruticose.
Photos: Among moss on upland rock. Ballingeary, Cork, SW Ireland.
Identification confirmed by Mike Simms

Much-branched thallus of tiny black or brownish strands that form compact cushions or spread over the sub-strate. Apothecia 2mm diameter with red-brown discs.

Occurs among moss on damp, siliceous rocks and at base of trees.
Chemical reactions negative.

Similar: P. dendriscum, rare, in old woodlands in SW Ireland

Polychidium muscicola       Polychidium muscicola

Polychidium muscicola
Polychidium muscicola growing among moss on acidic rock. Ballingeary area, Co.Cork. February 2009

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